Friday, January 21, 2011

Missional Moves: Are You Coming?

If you've been around GCC very much, you know that we're not afraid of change. In my last nearly 8 years of being on staff here, I have been able to witness change on both a micro and macro level, whether in how we engineer our weekend services and teaching environments or the way that we engage the world "outside the walls". But every now and then, a change happens at the seismic level. The foundational level. The kind of level that leaves ripple-effects across everything else that we do and the way that we do it. Like a tsunami that starts with an earthquake deep under the ocean's floor and results in massive waves that literally wipe the earth clean, so sometimes things begin to change in a fashion that absolutely re-arranges the architecture of the landscape of our whole world.

For several years now, Rob Wegner and i have been taking note of some significant changes that are at work under the surface of not only our culture here in the US, but also the entire world. These changes will literally affect the way that we, as the People of God, either die away or change the very landscape of the entire world around us for the 21st century and beyond. We call these changes "Missional Moves".

These Missional Moves are the basis for a series of materials that we are generating in a variety of formats over the next few months, one of which is actually a series of videos for production for our EnterMission Coaching Network. Starting next week (Thursday, January 27th), we'll begin filming the first of these moves here at the GCC Granger campus, and would love to invite as many people as would like to come to be part of the audience. Ideally, we'll have 30-50 people so that the environment feels "real", and would love for you to join us if you are able. We'll be doing the moves in sessions, so you can come for one, all or as many in between as you can if you will look at the schedule below:

Thursday, January 27th, 2011
  • 9 am - 11 am
  • 11 am - 1 pm
  • 2 pm - 4 pm
If you can come, go to this link and let us know which session(s) so that we can plan for you. We'll be bringing in pizza (bribe) for after the 11 am - 1 pm session finishes if you're able to come.

We'll also film on Thursday, March 3rd and Tuesday, April 19th, with different content offered each time until we cross all 15 of key Moves, so if you can come to those as well, we'd love to have you. You can use the same link above to schedule attendance for those as well. Hope to see you there!

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