Tuesday, December 16, 2008

From PC to "Apple"...

So i'm talking with Ed Buford in our IT Dept and lamenting how hard i am on hardware and technology.  I've been looking at a variety of "Toughbook" manufacturers like Dell, GTAC, etc., but the problem with each of them is that the units are a) most often prohibitively expensive and/or b) would sacrifice "performance" in some way in order to gain the necessary field durability that they boast.

At this point, i've been through 3 laptops in just over 3 years (yeah... do the math), and with the upcoming international travel schedule to faraway places in remote environments for both our work here at GCC and also ONE Prayer, am kind of at a loss for what to do.  I have every confidence that my little Dell is as tricked out as it can be, but every "business model" has its limits, particularly when it spends time around me for very long (apparently... i'm not your average user).

Then Ed said, "Well, Jack, i've got an Apple over here you can try if you really want to."  "Really?!" i said breathlessly, "Sure!"  Now, I'm typically not one to think of myself as a Mac user, but hey, would be willing to give it a shot if someone were to just "give" me one.  When we got to his desk, he turned around with a plump Washington red in his hand.  "Here you go...", he said, "all yours."  D'Oh!!! 


1 comment:

Jeanna said...

I love Ed. He's hysterical.