Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Sweded" Looney Tunes Classic: "The Rabbit of Seville"

The movie Be Kind, Rewind has had an apparent (and unexpected) impact on my family in the way of a new fascination among my kids to "Swede" movies and favorite other media. The process, as defined by Jack Black and Mos Def, essentially revolves around a) picking a favorite movie, b) truncating it to its absolute barest and most memorable parts, and c) re-enacting it with what you have around you to the best of your ability. The end result is a fun, often hilarious and always cute (hey, they're my kids... if you don't think they're cute, you can keep that to yourself) rendition of whatever it is they are attempting to reproduce.

Recently, we've been watching a lot of Looney Tune classics on YouTube. I'm amazed at all that they have on that site... holy cow! But anyway, Elijah and Peri have some particular fondness for Bugs Bunny, and specifically, the "opera" satires that involve Bugs getting the better of [usually] Elmer Fudd to the classic music of everything to Wagner to The Marriage of Figaro.

Last night's target for Sweding centered around Bugs and the parody of The Barber of Seville, one of my personal favorites (i had a chance to see it at The Bolshoi in Moscow in 1994... it rocked!!!) called "The Rabbit of Seville" (what else?) and focused on a particual scene where Bugs dons the appearance of a Spanish lady to sucker Elmer into a position where he doesn't notice Bugs shearing his garters.

The kids' re-enactment (notice Elijah's attempt at re-creating the green "gown" worn by Bugs and Peri's pink hat - she didn't want to look TOO much like a boy... even though she was trying to be Elmer Fudd) is shown below, and if you want to see the original cartoon, you can click here to go to YouTube to watch the 7 minute classic.


robwegner said...

Yes! So, if my family wants to swede a movie, how much do you charge?

Jack Magruder said...

No charge, Shogun! Our big criteria at present is that it shouldn't be more than 20 seconds long (which only allows for one scene or so, rather than an entire movie). If you have ideas of scenes, let me know. It's becoming a family past-time, so our Munchkins would just probably be happy to know that they have an audience. :- ):