Friday, March 27, 2009

9 Minutes!

During my time in Sudan, I enjoyed the laid-back, joyful lifestyle of the Sudanese people, so my last few minutes in Sudan were certainly the most eventful.  We were saying our "good-byes" to the church planters and new friends on the dirt runway, as the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) flight was landing to pick us up.  Right after the plane landed, the pilot hurried out of the plane and urged us to board the plane immediately.  She briefly explained that she heard "reports of gunfire in the area" and "was barely able to land the plane!"  We cut our goodbyes short, boarded quickly, and prayed for safety. 

After an otherwise uneventful flight back to Uganda, we overheard our pilot describe the incident by stating, "I was only on the ground nine minutes!"  That's right, from touchdown to take-off, including loading up the plane with our bags and ourselves, we were off the ground in nine minutes.  We made it out safely, and when we arrived in Uganda, I telephoned the church plant trainer back in Sudan who assured me that they were also safe. 

This whole event showed me how clearly God poured His grace out over us and the church planters during this time.  It also clearly shows some of the dangers that the church planters experience, as they spread the Gospel in Sudan.  Please remember them and their growing congregations in prayer.

I hope you take the time to watch the videos from Sudan on the website.  You can see a glimpse of what I saw in Sudan and see God’s movement there. 

Grace and blessings to you,



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