Friday, March 27, 2009

"Rough, but Good!"

I spent only four days in Sudan, but those four days will forever impact my life.  Conditions in Sudan are unlike any that I have seen before, due to the previous war and extreme poverty.  We traveled down war-torn, dirt roads that were jagged, and some made for a very rough ride.  During one journey, we were forced to carefully drive on a carved path because of the danger of land-mines.  These hazards, along with no electricity, no running water, malaria, malnutrition, and even death due to lack of healthcare are common perils that the Southern Sudanese people face daily. 

Over the four days that I was there, though, I wrapped myself in the lives of the Sudanese people and witnessed that in spite of the conditions there, our brothers and sisters had a true joy.  Alongside them in my time there, I experienced this joy, laughter, true worship, reverent prayer, brokenness for the lost, heartache for the oppressed, and thankfulness.  You see, the Southern Sudanese people are rejoicing in the midst of suffering, because they are experiencing God through church planting and ministry.  All the harsh conditions do not prohibit the Grace of God from being poured out on them.  Yes, God is moving in Sudan!  Please pray that He continues to breathe life and pour out His grace upon the Sudanese people! 

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