Tuesday, March 10, 2009

EnterMission Coaching Network!

Okay, i'm really excited about something that we've been running with for about 3 months now, and wanted to make you aware of what all is involved.  

One of GCC's core values is to "resource the Church" at large, meaning that if there is anything that we do well or have done well that honors God and inspires people, we want to do whatever we can to make that "thing" (service, structure, resource, etc) available for other churches and organizations to use in their own contexts.  In fact, we have an entire department/division of GCC called WiredChurches that is built specifically around that purpose, and have been doing everything from classes, workshops and seminars to hosting events (like the Willow Creek Leadership Summit) to facilitate growth and health in the Body of Christ as a whole for years now.

And now, we in the Life Mission Department here at GCC are jumping in as well by building a network of churches who are attempting to figure out how to take the passion and transformative power of the Kingdom of God that exists "within their walls" to the community around them "outside of their walls".  We're calling it our EnterMission Coaching Network, and it's a pretty intense gig.  We're taking 15 churches from around the country through an 18 month journey that includes "in real life" modular sessions, monthly conference calls, ongoing digital "chat" around around the "7 big buckets" of Theology, Calling, Field Strategy, Leadership Multiplication, Organizational Structure and Mobilization, Partnership and Technology (if you want to see additional details, you can click here , even though our current "cycle" is full).  In addition, we're doing this in conjunction with Saddleback, Willow Creek, and WoodDale , so will be sharing resources all around the table to make sure that this kind of experience truly yields the greatest overlap and cross-over for maximum impact as possible!  We're excited, and are already on a great journey!  

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